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Brief Introduction Chairman Historical evolution corporate culture CERTIFICATE
corporate culture

     Quality policy: strives for the survival by the quality To the management to benefit Exploiting market with good faith by science and technology for development

  Business philosophy: people-oriented Scientific management practical Development innovation

  Development ideas: always improve quality, high-performance products and services as the relentless pursuit of the goal, create value for customers, customer satisfaction; beginning

  To put out the respect knowledge, respect for talent, science and technology innovation, the enterprise of science and technology as the focus, to transform industry chain with informatization unceasingly, the innovation

  And master the same industry-leading technology; Always put development as the first priority, and improve the participation in domestic and international market competition ability.

  People just view: talent is the magic weapon of the successful enterprise

  Enterprise spirit: unity struggle dedication innovation

  Advertisement language: update your needs is our tireless pursuit!

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